Tag: DI

  • Discount Rate

    Discount Rate in the Context of Payments Definition of Discount Rate in the context of payments: The fees charged by the card acquirer to the merchant for processing payment card transactions.

  • Distressed Property

    Distressed property in the Context of Mortgages in the United Kingdom Note: additional topics related to mortatges in the English legal encyclopedia are available here. Property that is in poor physical or financial condition.

  • Direct Response

    Direct Response in the Context of Payments Definition of Direct Response in the context of payments: Term used to describe a merchant processing primarily non-face-to-face or card-not-present transactions.

  • Discount Period

    Discount period in the Context of Mortgages in the United Kingdom Note: additional topics related to mortatges in the English legal encyclopedia are available here. The time at the beginning of a mortgage life span when you are offered reduced repayments. Can be useful to help you overcome the […]

  • Discount

    Definition of Discount in Futures Trading In this area, here are some alternative meanings of Discount: (a) The amount a price would be reduced to purchase a commodity of lesser grade; ( 2) sometimes used to refer to the price differences between futures of different delivery months, as in the […]

  • Disapproval

    Treatment of Disapproval in the United States Law The following is a short concept of Disapproval published by Marco Terry: An invoice that is not approved for funding.

  • Differentials

    Definition of Differentials in Futures Trading In this area, here is a meaning of Differentials: The discount (premium) allowed for grades or locations of a commodity lower (higher) than the par of basis grade or location specified in the futures contact. See Allowances.

  • Discretionary Account

    Definition of Discretionary Account in Futures Trading In this area, here is a meaning of Discretionary Account: An arrangement by which the holder of an account gives written power of attorney to someone else, often a commodity trading advisor, to buy and sell without prior approval of the […]

  • Directional Trading

    Definition of Directional Trading in Futures Trading In this area, here is a meaning of Directional Trading: Trading strategies designed to speculate on the direction of the underlying market, especially in contrast to volatility trading. Disclosure Document: A statement that must be provided […]

  • DIP Switches

    DIP Switches in the Context of Payments Definition of DIP Switches in the context of payments: Dual In-Line Package Switches – a series of connected switches that determine the proper configuration for a payment card terminal printer.